Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Child Abuse: Ice Cream

1 comment:

  1. Brief:
    Heal Foundation of India is a leading non-profit organization which wanted to communicate about the dangers of child sexual abuse in the country. And how close to home the evils lie.

    A study showed alarming rise of sexual abuse happening close by to the residence as the child unaware, trusts people who are familiar. Unable to read the intentions, the child, ashamed, doesn’t report it to anyone.

    So the communication had to be aimed towards parents with children in the age group of 6-12 years. And it had to be simple and hard hitting at the same time.


    It’s customary in India to give children eatery objects like chocolates, ice-creams etc. by relatives and friends in order to get attention from the child. While mostly done with good intentions, some miscreants use it to lure the child into their trap.

    Using this observation as a platform, the communication devised these innocent looking packs of objects to be actually vile with hidden messages. On first glance they would look like ordinary packs. But on further scrutiny, they would have a line used by the abusers. Thereby alerting parents to warn children not to intake anything unless without supervision.


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